Faithfulness. What does it Mean to be Faithfull? Faithfulness means to be Devoted, Honest, Trustworthy, Dependable and Loyal. Key scriptures: 1Thessalonians 5:24, Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call…
Why Jesus Came. a} He came to Destroy all the works of the Devil. 1John 3:8 ”The one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion] is of the devil…
A season of Walking in the Full Manifestation of His Glory. Before we talk about the steps of how to access and walk in the Mysteries, our full manifestation in His Glory. let us look at these scriptures; Mathew…
Apostle James Karegeya started serving God as an evangelist after his High School. He served in Faith Center Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Peter Kamuzinzi. During that time he opened churches in Bugesera, in the Eastern part of…