Revival comes from an English word “Revive” which means to improve in the condition, strength or fortune of someone or something. It also means an instance of something becoming popular, active or important again.
In the Biblical context, revival means the awakening and the raising of the body of Christ when Christ is reigning in people’s hearts (Evangelism), and when all the systems of this world are impacted, affected, subjected to the influence of the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (influence). Influence is when people buy into your beliefs, ideas freely without force and cruelty.
So, for revival to happen; there has to be the preaching of the true gospel which brings repentance (change of mind) and points people to Christ. There also has to be a revealing and restoration of the true “message” which is His finished work on the cross; His death, burial, and resurrection, the hope of our redemption or deliverance, which is the forgiveness of our sins and our true justification in Christ Jesus. (1Corinthians 15:1-2, Ephesians 2:8-10).
Revival is when all the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are tangible, at work and operational in the body of Christ (the church). Revival is when all authority and power given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is fully restored and is in operational in the church to effectively respond to the great commission. (Mathew 28:18-20)
Revival is when and only when Christ Jesus is exalted in our altars, in our sermons, preaching and teachings; when all is pointing to His finished work on the cross, who is our only and absolute sacrifice for our sins, our redemption, and only sacrifice for our victory, success, growth, and breakthrough. (1 Corinthians 15:2-4, John 20:31)
Revival also brings Christ Jesus back to the Center of our worship, praise and anything we do for Him in our churches which enables us to demonstrate His power, dominion, and authority over; principalities, powers, might, dominion and every name not only in this age but in the age to come.
Revival is a replacement of a corrupt and a defiled breed (false prophecy and apostasy) which has brought disgrace, disappointment, hurt and betrayal in the body of Christ. Revival also brings back the true apostolic and prophetic foundation and the message. (Romans 16:25). When Judas Iscariot was corrupted and defiled by the desires of this world, he betrayed his Lord and savior, and thereafter he was replaced by another disciple called Mathias (the new breed), in order for the work of the kingdom to continue and for the Holy Spirit to be able to come upon them on the day of Pentecost.
There is going to be a replacement in the body of Christ before Christ comes back so that the church stands in its original position of reflecting his light to the world. Revival is when the true saints (believers) break forth and out of the four walls of the church and become kingdom-minded, equipped to be the light and the salt, to bring a divine influence in the marketplace as true representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lastly but not the least; revival is when believers are equipped, trained and are ready to take over, transform, and influence the whole world by occupying the seven mountains of influence or the Domains of society:
a) Religion. b) Family.
c) Education / TechKnowledge. d) Politics / Governance
e) Arts/Entertainment/Sports. f) Media.
g) Finance or Economy.
So as The Light to Nations ministry, we feel called and raised to take the torch of His gospel to the nations which brings transformation, a revolutionized mind and a Christ-like lifestyle to all the people of the whole world. (Romans 16:25).